Paper submitted for the conference, 9-10 Oct 2000 in Ede The continuing story of Vim by Bram Moolenaar The development of Vim (Vi IMproved) started in 1988 as a small program for the Amiga, used by one person. It is now included with every Linux distribution and has been given an award for the best open-source text editor. This article will discuss the current status of Vim, placing it in the context of the past and the future. Vi compatible ------------- Vim started as a replacement for Vi on the Amiga. Being used to Vi on Unix systems, the author wanted to use this powerful editor on his newly obtained Amiga too. There was a program called "Stevie", which lacked many commands and contained bugs; but since the source code was available, it was possible to enhance the program. Gradually more Vi commands were added and problems fixed. Then new useful commands were added that Vi didn't have: multi-level undo, text formatting, multiple windows, etc. At that point it was renamed from "Vi IMitation" to "Vi IMproved". But Vim still tries to be very Vi compatible, if that is what you want. For most commands you will not notice any difference between Vi and Vim. But some Vi commands work in a clumsy way and some may be considered a leftover from the old days of slow computers and teletypes. Here Vim gives the user a choice of doing it the old Vi way, or doing it in an improved Vim way. For example, in Vi the "u" command toggles the text between the situation before and after a change. Vim offers multi-level undo. What commands to use to get to the multiple levels? One way would be to use the "." command to repeat the "u" command. Nvi follows this approach. But this is not Vi compatible: Typing "xxu." in Vi deletes two characters: The "u" undoes one "x" and the "." repeats one "x" again. In Nvi the "." repeats the undo, thus both "x" commands are undone and you end up with no change. The author of Vim doesn't like these unexpected and obscure incompatibilities. Another solution would be to use another command to repeat the undo or redo. In Vim this is CTRL-R, "R" for "repeat". Thus "xxu^R" is used to undo both "x" commands. This is both Vi compatible and offers the multi-level undo feature. Still, typing CTRL-R requires using two fingers. Since undo is an often used function, it should be easy to type. Many people prefer to repeat the "u" command to undo more. Then CTRL-R is used to redo the undone commands. Thus "u" goes backwards in time and CTRL-R forward again. Since this is not compatible with Vi, it has to be switched on with an option. What a user prefers often depends on his previous experience. If he has used Vi for many years, his fingers are trained to hit "u" and expect the last change to be toggled. But people who start with Vim find it strange that "u" toggles and prefer it to always perform an undo. For these matters of user preference Vim offers an option. In Vim you can set "nocompatible", to make Vim behave more nicely, but in a not fully Vi compatible way. If you want, you can carefully tune each compatibility aspect by adding flags to the 'cpoptions' option. This is a typical Vim choice: offer a good default to make most people happy, and add options to allow tuning the behavior for personal preferences. The current version of Vim is very much Vi compatible. One of the last things that has been added was the Ex mode and the "Q" command. Not many people use Ex mode, it was added to be able to execute old Vi scripts. One thing that's still missing is the open mode. Since this is really only useful when you are using a very primitive terminal, hardly anyone will miss this - most Vi users don't even know what it is. There are still a number of small incompatibilities to be solved - you could call these bugs. Work on these continues, but it's very likely that Vim already contains less bugs for Vi commands than Vi itself. Programmers aide ---------------- Many of the features that have been added to Vim over time are for programmers. That's not unexpected, since Vim is often used to edit programming languages and similar structured text, and the author himself does a lot of programming. One of the first programming aids to be added was the "quickfix" feature. This was actually present in the Vi-like editor "Z" that came with the Amiga C compiler from Manx. Since it was very useful, it was added to Vim, using the "Z" editor as an example. The "quickfix" feature allows the programmer to compile his code from within Vim and quickly fix the reported errors. Instead of making the user write down the line numbers and messages from the compiler, Vim parses the compiler output and takes the user directly to the location of the error, putting the cursor at the position where the error was reported. You can fix the problem and compile again with just a few commands. There are commands to jump to the next error, list all errors, etc. An option is used to specify how to parse the messages from the compiler, so that it can work with many different compilers. "quickfix" also works with a command like "grep", which outputs lines with a file name and line number. This can be used to search for a variable and all places where it's used in the code, comments and documentation. Not only does this reduce the time needed to make changes, it also minimizes the risk of missing a location. When editing programs you will type text once and read it many times. Therefore it is very important to easily recognize the structure of the code. Since everybody uses his own style of coding, and not everyone pays enough attention to the layout, the code may take time to understand. Highlighting items in the text can be of help here. For example, by making all comments blue it is easy to spot a short statement in between long comments. It's also easier to recognize the structure of the file when quickly paging through it. Highlighting keywords can help spotting errors. The author has a tendency to type "#defined" instead of "#define". With highlighting switched on, the first one stays black, while the second one becomes brown. That makes it easy to see this mistake when it happens. Unmatched closing parentheses can be marked as an error, with a red background. That is a great help when changing a complicated "if" statement or Lisp code. Highlighting is also useful for the last used search pattern. For example, when searching for the "idx" variable in a function, all its occurrences in the code will get a yellow background. That makes it very easy to see where it is used and check where its value is changed. The syntax highlighting is completely adjustable. Everybody can add his own language if it's not already included with the Vim distribution. But since there are syntax files for about 200 languages now, mostly you just have to switch the syntax highlighting on and your files are coloured. Thanks to all the people who have submitted and are maintaining syntax files for everybody to use. Folding ------- In 1998 Vim 5.0 was released. The question was: What next? A survey was held to ask Vim users which features they would like to see added to Vim. This is the resulting top ten: 1. add folding (display only a selected part of the text) (*) 2. vertically split windows (side-by-side) (*) 3. add configurable auto-indenting for many languages (like 'cindent') (*) 4. fix all problems, big and small; make Vim more robust (+) 5. add Perl compatible search pattern 6. search patterns that cross line boundaries (*) 7. improve syntax highlighting speed (*) 8. improve syntax highlighting functionality (+) 9. add a menu that lists all buffers (*) 10. improve the overall performance (+) The goal for Vim 6.0 was to implement a number of these items - at least the top three - and this has actually taken place. The items marked with (*) have been implemented in Vim 6.0. The items marked with (+) are on-going activities. The number one requested feature deserves more explanation. Folding means that a range of lines is displayed as one line, with a text like "34 lines folded: get_arguments()", but the actual text is still there and can be seen by opening the fold. It is as if the text were on a long roll of paper, which can be folded to hide the contents of each chapter, so that you only see the chapter titles. This gives a very good overview of what a file contains. A number of large functions, occupying thousands of lines, can be viewed as a list of function names, one per line. You can move to the function you want to see and open the fold. Adding folding was a lot of work. It has impact on all parts of Vim. The displaying of text is different, and many commands work differently when the cursor is in a fold, but it mostly works now. And there are actually several ways to use folding: 1. Manually: use commands to create and delete folds. This can also be used in a function to fold your text in any way you like. 2. On syntax: use the syntax highlighting mechanism to recognize different items in the text and define folds with it. 3. On indent: the further a line is indented the deeper it will be folded. 4. By expression: define an expression that tells how deep a line is folded. 5. By markers: put markers in the text to specify where a fold starts and ends. Why so many different ways? Well, because the preferred way of folding depends on both the file you are editing and the desires of the user. Folding with markers is very nice to precisely define what a fold contains. For example, when defining a fold for each function, a comment in between functions could belong to the previous or the next function. But if you edit files in a version-controlled project, you are probably not allowed to add markers. Then you can use syntax folding, because it works for any file in a certain language, but doesn't allow you to change where a fold starts or ends. A compromise is to first define folds from the syntax and then manually adjust them. But that's more work. Thus the way folding was implemented in Vim is very flexible, to be able to adjust to the desires of the user. Some related items have not been implemented yet, like storing the folding state of a file. This is planned to be added soon, before version 6.0 goes into beta testing. Indenting --------- Giving a line the right indent can be a lot of work if you do it manually. The first step in doing this automatically is by setting the 'autoindent' option. Vi already had it. It simply indents a line by the same amount as the previous line. This still requires that you add space below an "if" statement and reduce space for the "else" statement. Vim's 'cindent' option does a lot more. For C programs it indents just as you expect. And it can be tuned to follow many different indenting styles. It works so well that you can select a whole file and have Vim reindent it. The only place where manual correction is sometimes desired is for continuation lines and large "if" statements. But this only works for C code and similar languages like C++ and Java. Only recently a new, flexible way of indenting has been added. It works by calling a user defined function that returns the preferred indent. The function can be as simple or as complex as the language requires. Since this feature is still new, only indenting for Vim scripts is currently included in the distribution. Hopefully people will write indent functions for many languages and submit them to be included in the distribution, so that you can indent your file without having to write an indent function yourself. A disadvantage of using a user defined function is that it is interpreted, which can be a bit slow. A next step would be to compile the function in some way to be able to execute it faster. But since computers keep getting faster, and indenting manually is slow too, the current interpreted functions are very useful already. Charityware ----------- Vim has always been an open-source program and can be used for free, even though it rivals many commercial editors. Being open-source is essential for Vim, otherwise it would be impossible for many people to work together on improvements and making ports to other operating systems. And asking money for a program that you can download for free is difficult. Instead, Vim can be used for free, but the user is asked to consider sending the money it's worth to a good cause. The author got to know a project in the south of Uganda that is located in an area of poor farmers. AIDS has hit hard, and many parents die, leaving behind their children. The centre helps these orphans through a sponsorship program. There is a school, a medical centre, training for teachers, etc. The author worked at the centre for a year and has seen that the aid sent there really helps. There is medical help for the sick and food aid to meet the people's direct needs. But the work mainly concentrates around education, in the hope that one day these people can take care of themselves. Then the idea popped up to ask Vim users to consider donating to the project. Not only will this help the lives of these children, it also makes people aware of the problems in Uganda and the struggle of these people to survive. The contrast of the wealthy computer user and the poor orphan in his mud hut may be extreme, but it just asks for some equalisation. More information about the project and ICCF Holland can be found at Vim version 6.0 is currently in alpha testing. New features are still being added and bugs in recently added commands are being fixed. Hopefully Vim 6.0 will be released to the world before the end of 2000. More information about Vim can be found at You can download it from About the author Bram Moolenaar is the main author of Vim. He writes the core Vim functionality and selects what code submitted by many others is included. He graduated at the technical university of Delft as a computer technician. Now he mainly works on software, but still knows how to handle a soldering iron. He is founder and treasurer of ICCF Holland, which helps orphans in Uganda. He does free-lance work as a systems architect, but actually spends most time working on Vim.